Conseils élus du Wiltshire
4 janvier 2006 Conseil par intérim
- Votes
1. "Citizens' Union of England - Wiltshire" (CUE) : 65% 2. "The Organisation for Prosperity of England" (O.P.E) : 35%
• Sièges
- 1 : LongJohnSilver
- 2 : UrShak
- 3 : Whit
- 4 : Harekr
- 5 : Ecthelion
- 6 : Nataniel
- 7 : Lorudce
- 8 : Riane
- 9 : Chinahero (quitta le conseil le 15/01/06 Raison: Problèmes IRL)
- 10 : Edge
- 11 : -- Place vacante --
- 12 : -- Place vacante -
• Fonctions
* Comte(sse): LongJohnSilver * Commissaire au commerce : Lorudce * Juge: UrShak * Procureur: Whit * Prévôt des maréchaux: Harekr * Bailli: Ecthelion * Connétable: * Capitaine: Nataniel * Porte-Parole: * Comissaire aux mines :
2006-02-03 Conseil I
- Votes
• Sièges
- 1 : Ecthelion (CUE)
- 2 : Lorudce (CUE)
- 3 : Whit (CUE)
- 4 : LordLED (CUE)
- 5 : Wyntyrkyng (CUE)
- 6 : TheSnowMan (CUE)
- 7 : Edge (CUE) (a démissionné) >> Harekr (CUE)
- 8 : Aanien (CUE
- 9 : Scarabecus (O.P.E) (démissionne le 3/3/06) >> Bohr (O.P.E)
- 10 : Nightbliss (O.P.E) (démissionne le 17/3/06) >> Trontor (O.P.E)
- 11 : Nataniel (O.P.E)
- 12 : Knightflame (O.P.E)
• Fonctions
* Comte(sse): Lorudce * Commissaire au commerce :Edge (abdique), Ecthelion (Démis), Wyntyrkyng * Juge: Whit * Procureur: Scarabecus (abdidque 3/3/06), Nightbliss (abdique 17/3/06), Ecthelion (27/3/06) * Prévôt des maréchaux: Aanien * Bailli: Ecthelion (démis), LordLED * Connétable: TheSnowMan (Démis), Bohr * Capitaine: Nataniel * Porte-Parole: Wyntyrkyng (Démis) * Comissaire aux mines : LordLED (Démis), Nightbliss (Démis), Harekr
2006-04-4 Conseil II
- Votes
• Sièges
- 1 : Lordled (CUE-W)
- 2 : Harekr (CUE-W)
- 3 : Aanien (CUE-W)
- 4 : Bossmustang (CUE-W)
- 5 : Björkel (CUE-W)
- 6 : Bohr (CUE-W)
- 7 : Kirtap (CUE-W)
- 8 : Dugustus (PEPPL) (resigned 20/5/06) >> BrianDuffy (PEPPL)
- 9 : Willum (PEPPL)
- 10 : BrianDuffy (PEPPL) (resigned 22/4/06) >> Remox (PEPPL) (resigned 24/3/06) >> Von_Alric (PEPPL)
- 11 : Eniwetok (PEPPL)
- 12 : Ailee (PEPPL) (resigned 20/5/06) >> Remox (PEPPL)
• Fonctions
* Comte(sse): Lordled * Commissaire au commerce : Ailee (resigned 20/5/06), Remox * Juge: Björkel * Procureur: Harekr (dismissed), Kirtap (24/3/06) * Prévôt des maréchaux: Bossmustang * Bailli: Dugustus (démis), Von_Alric * Connétable: Bohr * Capitaine: Aanien * Porte-Pareole: Willum * Comissaire aux mines : Eniwetok
2006-06-03 Conseil III
- Votes
1. "Citizens' Union of England - Wiltshire" (CUE-W) : 41.6% 2. "The Patrons" (PEPPL) : 31.5% 3. "United for Wiltshire" (UWS) : 27%
• Sièges
- 1 : Björkel (CUE-W) (resigned 16/6/06) >> Allikath (CUE-W)
- 2 : Lordled (CUE-W) (resigned) >> Nightrider (CUE-W)
- 3 : Aanien (CUE-W)
- 4 : Bohr (CUE-W)
- 5 : Brunehilda (CUE-W)
- 6 : Willum (PEPPL) (appinted as count on 18/6/06)
- 7 : Martur (PEPPL)
- 8 : Remox (PEPPL)
- 9 : The_light (UWS)
- 10 : Trontor (UWS)
- 11 : Zamolxis (UWS)
- 12 : Killerrob (PEPPL)
• Fonctions
- Count(ess): Björkel (resigned 16/6/06), Willum (elected 18/6/06)
- Trade Minister: Trontor (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06)
- Judge: Willum (dismissed 18/6/06), Martur
- Public Prosecutor: Aanien (dismissed 12/6/06), Killerrob (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06; dismissed), Brunehilda
- Constable: Remox (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06)
- Sheriff: The_light (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06)
- Sergeant: Bohr (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06)
- Captain: Lordled (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06; resigned), Aanien
- Spokesman: Brunehilda (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06; dismissed)
- Mines Superintendant: Zamolxis (dismissed 18/6/06; appointed 18/6/06; dismissed), Killerrob
2006-08-02 Conseil IV
- Votes
1. "The Patrons" (PEPPL) : 40.4% 2. "Citizens Union of Wiltshire" (CUE) : 33.2% 3. "United We Stand" (UWS) : 26.4%
• Sièges
- 1 : Willum (PEPPL)
- 2 : Von_alric (PEPPL)
- 3 : Trontor (PEPPL)
- 4 : Killerrob (PEPPL)
- 5 : Allikath (CUE)
- 6 : Budicca (CUE)
- 7 : Ecthelion (CUE)
- 8 : Harekr (CUE)
- 9 : The_Light (UWS)
- 10 : Caissadiplomat (UWS)
- 11 : Stanchev (UWS)
- 12 : Martur (PEPPL)
• Fonctions
- Count(ess): Willum
- Trade Minister: Trontor
- Judge: Martur
- Public Prosecutor: Allikath
- Constable: Harekr
- Sheriff: Von_alric
- Sergeant: Caissadiploma
- Captain: Killerrob
- Spokesman: Budicca
- Mines Superintendant: Ecthelion
2006-09-30 Conseil V
- Votes
1. "The Patrons" (PEPPL) : 55.1%
2. "United We Stand" (UWS) : 25.7%
3. "Citizen's Union of England" (CUE) : 19.2%
• Sièges
- 1 : Willum (PEPPL)
- 2 : Von_Alric (PEPPL)
- 3 : Trontor (PEPPL)
- 4 : KillerRob (PEPPL)
- 5 : Ekaterine (PEPPL)
- 6 : Hypno (PEPPL)
- 7 : The_Light (UWS)
- 8 : Caissadiplomat (UWS)
- 9 : Bellos (UWS)
- 10 : Allikath (CUE)
- 11 : Budicca (CUE)
- 12 : Sajanzv (PEPPL)
• Fonctions at 2006-10-18
- Count(ess): Willum
- Trade Minister: Trontor
- Judge: Caissadiplomat
- Public Prosecutor: Von_Alric
- Constable: Hypno
- Sheriff: Ekaterine
- Sergeant: Dralon
- Captain: Bohr
- Spokesman: Sajanzv
- Mines Superintendant:
2006-11-29 Conseil VI
- Votes
1. "The Patrons" (PEPPL) : 41% 2. "United We Stand" (UWS) : 39.4% 3. "Citizens Union of England" (CUE) : 19.7%
• Sièges
- 1 : Von_Alric (PEPPL)
- 2 : Ekaterine (PEPPL)
- 3 : Tormann (PEPPL)
- 4 : Collen (PEPPL)
- 5 : Smooth22 (PEPPL)
- 6 : The_Light (UWS)
- 7 : Caissadiplomat (UWS) (Resignation)>>Tropinha78
- 8 : Sonnie (UWS)
- 9 : Miniphoenix (UWS)
- 10 : Renault (CUE)
- 11 : Ecthelion (CUE)
- 12 : Crzyeyes (UWS) (Resignation)>>Buis
• Fonctions
- Count(ess): Ecthelion (CUE)
- Trade Minister: Ekaterine (PEPPL)
- Judge: Renault (CUE)
- Public Prosecutor: The_Light (UWS) (Dismissed)>>Sonnie (UWS)
- Constable: Tropinha78 (UWS)
- Sheriff: Von_Alric (PEPPL)
- Sergeant: Smooth22 (PEPPL)
- Captain: Collen (PEPPL)
- Spokesman: Tormann (PEPPL) (Dismissed)>>Sonnie(UWS) (Dismissed)>>Tormann (PEPPL)
- Mines Superintendant: Miniphoenix (UWS)
2007-01-28 Conseil VII
- Votes
1. "Renault + CUE" (CUE) : 34.9% 2. "United We Stand" (UWS) : 33.1% 3. "The Patrons" (PEPPL) : 32%
• Sièges
- 1 : Renault (CUE)
- 2 : Ecthelion (CUE)
- 3 : LeonardWashington (CUE)
- 4 : Mighty_Pato (CUE)
- 5 : The_Light (UWS)
- 6 : Miniphoenix (UWS)
- 7 : Tropinha78 (UWS)
- 8 : Ezekiel8888 (UWS)
- 9 : Collen (PEPPL)
- 10 : Smooth22 (PEPPL)
- 11 : Kukupet (PEPPL)
- 12 : Lazy (PEPPL)
• Fonctions
- Count(ess): Ecthelion (CUE)
- Trade Minister: LeonardWashington (CUE)
- Judge: Tropinha78 (UWS)
- Public Prosecutor: Renault (CUE)
- Constable: Ezekiel8888 (UWS)
- Sheriff: Lazy (PEPPL)
- Sergeant: Mighty_Pato (CUE)
- Captain: Collen (PEPPL)
- Spokesman: Kukupet (PEPPL)
- Mines Superintendant: Smooth22 (PEPPL)
2007-03-29 Conseil VIII
- Votes
1. "Citizens Union of England" (CUE) : 29% 2. "United We Stand" (UWS) : 25.7% 3. "The Patrons" (PEPPL) : 19.1% 4. "Independent Federation for Wiltshire" (IWF) : 16.2% 5. "The Brotherhood of Marlborough" (BOM) : 9.9%
• Sièges
- 1 : Leonardwashington (CUE)
- 2 : Mighty_Pato (CUE)
- 3 : Ecthelion (CUE)
- 4 : Caissadiplomat (UWS)
- 5 : Ezekiel8888 (UWS)
- 6 : Tropinha78 (UWS)
- 7 : Lazy (PEPPL)
- 8 : Smooth22 (PEPPL)
- 9 : Degas (IWF)
- 10 : Lukej (BOM)
- 11 : Asteria (IWF)
- 12 : Serkillerius (CUE)
• Fonctions
- Count(ess): Caissadiplomat (UWS)
- Trade Minister: LeonardWashington (CUE) (dismissed), Serkillerius
- Judge: Degas (IWF) (dismissed), Ecthelion
- Public Prosecutor: Ecthelion (CUE) (dismissed), Degas (dismissed), LeonardWashington
- Constable: Lukej (IWF) (dismissed), Ezekiel8888
- Sheriff: Tropinha78 (UWS)
- Sergeant: Mighty_Pato (CUE) (dismissed), Smooth22
- Captain: Ezekiel8888 (UWS) (dismissed), Degas
- Spokesman: Asteria (IWF)
- Mines Superintendant: Serkillerius (CUE) (dismissed), Lazy
2007-05-? Conseil IX
- Votes
• Sièges
• Fonctions
Comtesse : Caissadiplomat ...
2007-07-? Conseil X
- Votes
• Sièges
• Fonctions
- Caissadiplomat (Mines Superintendant)
- Solon128 (Trade Minister)
- Illynya (Constable)
- Shriekersmom (Sheriff)
- FireDragons (Count)
- DutchBart (Public Prosecutor)
- Wanfeng (Sergeant)
- Lazy
- Dean2010 (Captain)
- Mazoshist (Spokesman)
- Lildaemon (Judge)
- Tasite
2007-09-28 Conseil XI
- Votes
• Sièges
• Fonctions
- Shriekersmom (Count)
- Wanfeng (Captain)
- Solon128 (Judge)
- Lordchus (Mines Superintendant)
- Nuroc (Sergeant)
- Levoc (Spokesman)
- Lazy (Trade Minister)
- MaZoshist
- Yvaine
- Extli (Constable)
- Lildaemon (Public Prosecutor)
- Deerken (Sheriff)
2007-11-? Conseil XII
- Votes
• Sièges
• Fonctions